Sunday, 16 September 2007

A Happy Place

I've found my happy place...
I've just realised this over the last few days. There's very little stress on me at the moment and it's all good.
Since we started the bead system with the kids they have been really good. They help to clean up and do little jobs around the house, they go to bed without playing up and we've had very few arguments over things. It's all good.

And after the refinancing, all the bills are paid, and we're actually full up-to-date with everything and planning a week's holiday in Port Denison. The first real holiday we've had for over 12 years.

So yeh... it's all good.

And I got totally spoilt for my birthday.

This arrived the day before my birthday from the gorgeous Bec... thank you so very much... I am so totally in awe of your present....

Isn't it just beautiful... thank you thank you thank you Bec mwah... mwah...mwah....

And my darling husband bought me this for my birthday... my very own MP3 player... and it's pink! woohoo

So I've spent all day uploading my songs to it. So far I'm up to 42 albums and it's not even half full... maybe I should've got the 30 gig one not the 4 gig one... lol
Gawd... what would I do with 30 gig if I can't fill 4! I only have about another 15 albums to go on to it so I'll have plenty of room left over.

So what else has been happening....

Tess came over yesterday afternoon and we scrapped... was absolutely great fun and we have to do it again! And Tess spoilt me for my birthday too... she gave me a lolly bag... yum yum and a bag full of ribbon... yum yum... she knows my weakness! lol

I worked on a kit from Maria for a bag. Gave me a few headaches I can tell you, but I love the way it came out.
Here's the result.

And today I've been working on the lessons from the Nic Howard book. I will upload them another time. I shouted myself the book for my birthday... lol bad aren't I.

So that's really about it for me today. Lots to do still... more cd's to upload and there's a cj sitting on my desk which I have to do before we go away.

So don't forget to look for the magic moment in your day tomorrow...


Linasolopoesie said...

Much beautiful yours blog
But I do not know the language

I wanted tradurlo with English but not
it has given no result to me

mine blog and in Italian
and of solopoesie

if the poetries are of your gradimento
and you come to visit would make it me much happy one

I augur YOU one the good Sunday and one happy inzio of week


Gayle said...

Howdy Toni!!!
LOVE your bag you made..very clever!
I haven't been on scrapboxx for ages and got on tonight for a catchup and noticed you had a probably had it for ages.
Hope all is well in Esperance.
Also, I started a new masculine/manly blog if you have any LOs that are masculine (not boyish, but manly